AI-Powered Workflow Automation for Wealth Management

LEA gets labor-intensive jobs done for your firm so you can win new prospects faster, onboard clients more efficiently, and leverage higher quality client data to run and grow your business.

Our investors and advisors come from the industry's leading firms and data companies

Elevate your firm with LEA

With each new prospect and client, wealth advisors used to manually comb through piles of intake documents. Now, they use LEA to get the data they need to close prospects faster and onboard clients more efficiently.



Gathering and ingesting data for onboarding and account opening per client



Creating investment proposals for new prospects

“Working with LEA is like a breath of fresh air for our team”

- LEA brokerage statement data extraction API customer

Why use LEA?

Tailored to specific, labor-intensive jobs RIAs need to get done to operate and grow

Provides the client data you need to make core systems (especially the CRM) work better

Secure log-in, system-wide data encryption, and zero data retention for AI training

LEA Brokerage Statement Data Extraction

LEA speeds up getting the data you need to create investment proposals for new prospects.

Why use LEA’s solution?

Exports data formatted to any leading proposal generation platform (Morningstar, Orion) so your existing core systems just work better; go a step further by using LEA’s API to achieve a “single pane of glass" advisor experience

No set-up or configuration required

Extracts data from any financial institution (Fidelity, Schwab, Morgan stanley, E*Trade, Betterment, etc.)

LEA Client Intake Organization

LEA saves your operations and support teams’ time by never asking them to re-name a document again. LEA improves the client experience by never repeating a data request.

Why use LEA’s solution?

AI-powered document renaming built specifically for wealth management is unique to LEA

Works with leading document vault solutions (Box, Egnyte, Google Drive, Sharepoint) so your existing core systems just work better

Minimal set-up required, just link document vault account

LEA Client Data Compilation and CRM Ingestion

LEA provides the accurate client data you need to kick-start the account opening process faster.

Why use LEA’s solution?

AI-powered document data extraction across 20+ document types, including custom data intake forms, is unique to LEA

Works with leading CRM solutions (e.g. Salesforce) so your existing core systems just work better

Customizable to your firm’s Salesforce design to ensure clean, accurate connections

Let’s talk about how LEA can help you deliver the advisor and client experiences you need to scale.

Learn more